eISBN: 9781633553644

Dracula In Love

by John Shirley

The moment Vladimir Horescu saw the letter, he felt an ominous chill. Then, he opened it--and found a note from his unknown father, a note signed by Dracula! A haunting and terrifying Dracula tale mixed with an exquisitely erotic love story.

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About the author John Shirley

John Shirley won the Bram Stoker Award for his story collection Black Butterflies, and is the author of numerous novels, including the best-seller DEMONS, the cyberpunk classics CITY COME A-WALKIN', ECLIPSE, and BLACK GLASS, and the urban fantasy novel BLEAK HISTORY. He is also a screenwriter, having written for television and movies; he was co-screenwriter of THE CROW. He has been several Year's Best anthologies including Prime Books' THE...

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