eISBN: 9781597805810

Phantom Effect

by Michael Aronovitz

Jonathan Martin Delaware Deseronto is a six-foot-five serial killer with a problem. He’s stuck out on I-476 in a heavy November rainstorm with two flat tires and the dead bodies of a cop and a co-ed named Marissa Madison in his trunk. Desperate to get off the highway, he drives his car on its back rims towards Exit 6. The car stalls on the ramp and Deseronto uses the last of its momentum to plunge over the crest of a steep slope and crash into a length of concrete pipe below. The car comes to rest on the edge of a construction site where machines are positioned to tear down an old Motel 6.

For Deseronto, the worst is yet to come. Marissa Madison had been a psychic of sorts while alive, using her ability to assist people in their personal journeys. Now, the ghost of Marissa will utilize her strange gift, trapping Deseronto in the abandoned motel, and forcing him to live the last, fatal week of her own life as a passive passenger in her body . . . Soon, Deseronto will experience something truly horrific: the mind-numbing terror of being stalked by himself.

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About the author Michael Aronovitz

Michael Aronovitz is an author of weird fiction. His first collection titled "Seven Deadly Pleasures" came out through Hippocampus Press in 2009. His first novel titled "Alice Walks" came out in a collector's hard cover edition through Centipede Press in 2013, and was put in paperback format by Dark Renaissance Books in 2014. His second collection titled "The Voices in Our Heads" came out through Horrified Press in 2014, and...

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