eISBN: 9781597805797


by Betsy Dornbusch

Draken vae Khellian, bastard cousin of the Monoean King, had risen far from his ignominious origins, becoming both a Bowrank Commander and a member of the Crown’s Black Guard. But when cursed black magic took his wife and his honor away, he fought past his own despair and grief, and carved out a new life in Akrasia. His bloody, unlikely path, chronicled in Exile: The First Book of the Seven Eyes, led him to a new love, and a throne.

Draken has seen too much blood . . . the blood of friends and of enemies alike. Peace is what he wants. Now he must leave his wife and newborn child in an attempt to forge an uneasy peace between the Monoean King and the kingdom of Akrasia. The long bloody shadow of Akrasia’s violent past hangs over his efforts like a shroud. But there are other forces at work. Peace is not something everybody wants . . . not even in the seemingly straightforward kingdom of Draken’s birth.

Factions both known and unknown to Draken vie to undermine his efforts and throw the kingdom into civil war. Forces from his days in the Black Guard prove to be the most enigmatic, and a bloody tide threatens to engulf Draken’s every step.

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About the author Betsy Dornbusch

Betsy Dornbusch's short fiction has appeared in print and online venues such as Thuglit, Big Pulp, Spinetingler, Story Portal, and the anthology Deadly by the Dozen. She serves as an editor with Electric Spec and also writes erotica for Whiskey Creek Torrid. She hangs out online at Sex Scenes at Starbucks,, where you can believe most of what she says. In her free time, she goes to punk rock...

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