eISBN: 9781597803595

Alien Contact

by Marty Halpern

Are we alone? From War of the Worlds to Invasion of the Body Snatchers, ET to Close Encounters, creators of science fiction have always eagerly speculated on just how the story of alien contact would play out. Editor Marty Halpern has gathered together some of the best stories of the last 30 years, by today's most exciting genre writers, weaving a tapestry that covers a broad range of scenarios: from the insidious, to the violent, to the transcendent.

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About the author Marty Halpern

Marty Halpern is a two-time finalist for the World Fantasy Award–Professional for his work with Golden Gryphon Press. His career with GGP began in 1999, and in the next 7 years (while working a full-time, hightech job through half of those years), he edited 23½ hardcovers, 4 limited edition chapbooks, and 4 reprint trade paperbacks. The “½” hardcover is the original anthology The Silver Gryphon (marking the press’s twenty-fifth book...

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