eISBN: 9781597803397

When We Were Executioners

by J.M. McDermott

J. M. McDermott returns to Dogsland in the stunning novel When We Were Executioners, book two of a sweeping fantasy series that revels in the small details of life.

Corporal Jona, the demon-stained Lord of Joni, died in the woods. His lover, the Senta Rachel Nolander, is a demon-tainted fugitive, running from the wolfskin-clad priest and priestess of Erin, who track her through the city based on dreams plucked from Jona’s crying skull, plotting to cleanse the world of the lovers’ demonic taint. Past and present collide as the tale of two ill-fated outcasts unfolds, and the executioners of Erin grow ever closer to their quarry.

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About the author J.M. McDermott

J. M. McDermott is the author of five novels and a short story collection. His first novel, Last Dragon, was shortlisted for a Crawford Prize. He lives in Decatur, Georgia, in a maze of bookshelves, coffee cups, and crazy schemes.

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